AI is changing the world. And financial world too.

Did you know that manual tasks like pitch book creation can occupy up to ~40 hours per week for some bankers? That's just the tip of the iceberg - industry research, company analysis, valuation modeling, and others can drag an M&A deal prep into the 3-week range for a single transaction.

After years in the banking industry, I witnessed these problems firsthand. That's why we decided to tackle them head-on.

Introducing Capvalor, a platform designed to assist financial professionals with top-tier AI. Imagine delegating the most mundane parts of deal prep so you can finally focus on the bigger picture - whether it's playing golf with your clients, finding new leads, or simply enjoying life.

See Demo

So what do we actually offer?

  • -Pitch Book & Teaser & Pitch Deck preparation: You could generate professional presentations in minutes, simply by typing the company name and optionally uploading relevant documents.
  • -Industry & Company research: You could carry out research (in minutes too), enriched with data from leading providers, like Bloomberg, MergerMarket, and others.
  • -Valuation modeling: Auto-generated DCF, Comps, LBO, and more...
  • -Task Board: You could easily manage your project tasks in one place, using built-in Kanban board.
  • -Full data privacy: You own all data you upload to your project. Even we don't have access to it.

And more...

Right now, we're partnering with select firms for our Alpha release to improve our product. We value quality over quantity, so only 30 firms will be able to join. During Alpha, our platform is free in exchange for your feedback ☺️

I hope you'll love it as much as we do.


Damian Kalupa

Founder & CEO, Capvalor

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Microsoft for Startups